It’s now all up to you and me. In the end, all that matters is your vote. And the votes of your family, friends, social media followers, fellow parishioners, etc.
Think of everyone you know who loves Trump or is disgusted at Biden-Harris inflation, crime and open borders. Message them. Call them. Nudge them to vote. Offer to give them a ride. Make it a fun time to go together or meet there and then go for breakfast or lunch.
If you know anyone who still isn’t registered to vote, these are the states that allow in-person registration on election day: CO, DC, HI, ID, MD, ME, MI, MN, NH, NV, ND, UT, VA, VT, WI, WY. Just show up at the polls with ID (where required).

What else can you do?
First, please pray. Pray for our leaders and especially President Trump. Pray for voters that they may make the right choice. Pray for our nation and that our liberty will always endure.
Call and text all of your friends. If they’ve already voted, thank them.
Call senior citizen centers: do they need drivers to take people to the polls?
In particular, talk to your fellow parishioners—too many Christians don’t vote even if they understand the stakes.
Some still believe their single vote won’t make a difference. Yet many races have been won or lost by a mere handful of votes. For example, George W. Bush won Florida in 2000 by just 537 votes out of 6 million cast.

Take Election Day Off From Work.
Spend a few hours or the day at your polling location greeting voters. Your GOP HQ will get you sample ballots to hand out, or they may need help inside as an election observer.
Believe it or not, there may be people still undecided. They may be struggling between being a loyal Democrat and voting for the guy they know can make life better but who sounds so mean.
For voters solidly for Trump, tell them it’s vital to vote for ALL of the GOP candidates.
House, Senate, Governor—and all the way down the ballot to school boards, judges and district attorneys. Trump can’t do it alone. If Trump faces a Democrat House of Representatives, they’ll impeach him and run an inquisition of investigations.
Record & Report it!
If you see anything that looks wrong at your polling location, take a video of what’s going on and report it to election officials inside, as well as to your local GOP HQ or the police. This can include problems with voting, broken equipment, refusal to allow election observers witness the counting, or any harassment of voters.
The Republican National Committee runs an election integrity site where you can sign up to be an observer in key states, as well as to report any ballot integrity problems:
Call Many Voters.
Call your local GOP headquarters. They will welcome you to call from their phone bank registered Republicans who haven’t yet voted and remind them to go quickly. They also have apps for your phone that will let you call from home without your number being visible.
Even if your state looks ‘safe,’ we all know Democrats will try anything to win. The longer they have after the election to cheat the greater the damage. But if we win the ‘battlegrounds’ with a sizable margin, their strategy of cheating can’t work. That’s another reason your vote matters. And those of your friends.
How about when the polls close? You may want to host friends at home to watch with you. Or go to the local GOP committee’s or campaign’s election night party. Or you may even want to turn off the TV and wait till morning—nobody will blame you; it may be stressful and the Democrat-run battleground states may refuse to call the race for a week or more.
Again, say another prayer for victory and for our great nation.
Finally, I want to thank you for your efforts in this great campaign. Whether you talked to a few friends, made a few calls or social media posts, or you registered several new voters or did even more, you helped! Americans pulled together to save our great nation. Thank you!
Please forward this to your friends and on social media.