We all want to get liberal and non-political friends to vote right. Hard-core liberals will be impossible to reason with, but many others might be receptive to learning why Trump and the Republicans would be the best choice this year.
Some Democrats and independents are open to voting right because something really impinged on their world. That includes those fed up with crime, inflation, radical schools and the illegal alien invasion. This year we see African-Americans and Latinos increasingly supporting Trump. And many Jewish voters are realizing the Democrat party leaders, especially Harris and Walz, are openly anti-Israel and support Hamas.
Others may be receptive to a friend patiently explaining the issues.
You can ask what issues your liberal and independent friends are most concerned with. Crime? Inflation? Schools? Something else? Let them talk and listen.
Because people have been lied to so much and the media ignores the truth, many voters only know the liberal media lies on key issues, and they often vote the way the media guides them. You may be able to reach them.
“Is it bad enough?” Not for many Democrats. They happily believe the media and have a good life. They work a good job and live in a safe community. They don’t see or pay attention to the crime that has ruined so many Democrat-run cities.
Even if you walked them to the ‘other side of the tracks’ to show them what Democrat policies do to cities and human lives, they wouldn’t look. Or they would excuse it as “every city had problems but our mayor cares about the disadvantaged and is doing his best and we just need to take away guns.”
It may have to get even worse for those to question how they vote, such as personal experiences with crime.
Be aware that most voters don’t follow the news like we do. They don’t seek out news or even pay much attention to it, but they will absorb the Democrat talking points anyway from the liberal media, and generally don’t question what they hear.
So when they hear “schools are indoctrinating and sexualizing children,” they may disregard it because “I went to our local schools, they would never do that,” or it seems just impossible to them that anything could be that bad. After all, the liberal media doesn’t report on it, except to attack parents who dare to speak out at school board meetings.
That takes some patience on your part. To gently explain facts and see if they will make logical conclusions themselves.
While we sometimes call Kamala Harris and Tim Walz ‘communists’ or ‘socialists,’ that’s not going to help you with independents and Democrats. We know they advocate for policies that would bring about a communist regime. Walz even praised Communism in China and visited for unknown reasons over 30 times! We know their ideology, but be aware that it’s hard to communicate that to sceptics without sounding crazy.
Just discuss the effects of unlimited illegal immigration (job loss, crime, homelessness, drugs, anti-Americanism), defunded police, massive spending that created inflation, restrictions on free speech, schools that teach leftist politics instead of the three ‘R’s.’
Or discuss how their city has been run only by Democrats for decades and maybe it’s time for a change. All we need to accomplish is that they see the light and vote to throw out their incumbent Democrats and elect Trump and Republicans to support him.
Prepare for your conversations:
Read & Download our key talking points and share them with your friends and online.
16 Reasons to Stand with President Trump & Vote for all Republicans
Also sign up now for many free activist resources at TCC’s Center for Conservative Activism
Best wishes! If each person can get just one liberal or independent to vote right, we can win.