This is a sad day in America when the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States is found guilty on charges invented by allies of his political opponent. The trial was rigged from the beginning. A Democratic prosecutor working with a Democratic judge, who donated to the defendant's Democratic political opponent, and forced to argue before a Democratic jury. This is what happens in Third World countries. Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves tonight.
Most Americans haven’t quite processed this yet, but this was the most consequential day in American history, In New York City, what should strictly be a matter of law is instead a political operation run entirely by Democrats, major Democrat donors, and members of the prosecution team that served in the Biden administration. Even the judge has a personal financial interest in this trial and is working to get the outcome Democrats desire.

This is more serious than Americans yet know. Today’s Democrats would prosecute and convict Mother Theresa or Abraham Lincoln. If the guilty verdict affects the November election, we would have the first instance in our nation's history where the political class determined who our elected president will be. This isn’t supposed to happen in America. This is what happens in some Latin American countries and places like Africa.
This ‘lawfare’ verdict was of course premeditated by Biden’s top staff. To prevent Trump from traveling across America during the campaign. To issue a ‘gag-order’ to prevent him from telling Americans the facts about the sham trial and charges. And to falsely brand President Trump as a convict. Literally, Soviet tactics to destroy a popular candidate.
Here’s something you may not know. Biden’s ‘number three’ in the Department of Justice, Matthew Colangelo, was hired in 2022 by the rogue Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to work on the Trump case. In other words, Biden’s team sent Colangelo to help lead the legal assault on his opponent. Collusion?

Why are they so scared of Trump regaining the presidency? Because they know he will declassify every secret about the deep state and their plans for instituting a Chinese-like regime where elections would be permanently rigged and free speech forever criminalized. They know he will close the border. Stop reckless spending. Stop the socialist ‘green new deal’ and make us again energy independent. Fire anti-American bureaucrats. Restore law and order in our cities. And likely select a Supreme Court nominee. Those are the stakes.
You’re angry and I’m angry. When the Democrat radicals get angry, they riot and destroy. We conservatives just roll up our sleeves and get more active to restore the America we love.
So calm your anger by talking to family, friends, associates and your social media friends who may be wondering if Trump was really guilty or if there’s no hope we can win. Reassure them that we can win and that the trial was a fraud that will be appealed. Your voice of calmness and encouragement can help them to stay loyal to the task of helping President Trump and all Republicans win.
Secure their promise to register to vote if they haven’t. To vote early. To rally their friends to do the same.
Take a few hours a week to help your local Republican Party to make calls and walk neighborhoods. These days, they’ve got phone apps for calls and door knocking that makes it really easy. You can put a campaign sign in your yard too.
That’s the way to stay optimistic.
The fate of our constitutional republic rests on the shoulders of President Trump’s success, and we the American voters are the most important part of President Trump’s team. And we both know the stakes. As President Trump has warned us, "in the end, they're not coming after me. They're coming after you — and I'm just standing in their way."
Please pray for President Trump. And let’s back him like never before.
