Your TCC In Action - August 12, 2024Aug 11, 2024Recent media interviews with TCC President Jim Pfaff: WATCH Jim Pfaff on The John Fredericks Show WATCH Jim Pfaff on the Vicki McKenna Show - A Confederacy of Dunces - (timestamp 10 min mark)Follow us on X @TCCaucus & on FacebookSIGN-UP for free to access many grassroots activist resources and training materials
Recent media interviews with TCC President Jim Pfaff: WATCH Jim Pfaff on The John Fredericks Show WATCH Jim Pfaff on the Vicki McKenna Show - A Confederacy of Dunces - (timestamp 10 min mark)Follow us on X @TCCaucus & on FacebookSIGN-UP for free to access many grassroots activist resources and training materials